Saturday, May 8, 2010

Annela's 4th Birthday Party

I can't believe Annella is already 4 years old! We had a blast with friends and family. We got her a big girl bed and Nana provided the beautiful bedding for both Annella's and Leah's beds. We had a Princess themed party and I even made her a Princess Ariel cake(it took two attempts, and I am lucky it worked out the second time).
My favorite picture is of the kids circled up praying-how sweet it is to see kids praying for one another!

Monday, May 3, 2010

30 weeks pregnant

I am so excited for our little one arrive. Here I am 30 weeks prego. Only 10 more to go!


I started a garden last month. Jess and I worked on in for 3 weekends. We learned we love gardening, and gophers love it even more!