Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summer Fun

The girls are getting so big. Annella is speaking in sentences-mostly ones that start with "I want, I want..." She is also copying Jess and I a lot. Just the other day she saw a boat out of the water and said "Check it out!" with her head cocked to the side a bit. She is so funny.
Leah has definitely found her voice. All day long and sometimes in the middle of the night, she makes all kinds of cooing noises and screams from the depths of her belly.
It is so fun to watch the two of them creating their relationship. Nella loves to make Leah laugh and Leah loves to grab her hair and eat her face!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sooo big!

Leah is 4 months old now and is sitting up by herself, fascinated by her feet, talking all the time and always looking for something to do. She is 17 1/2 lbs and 25 inches. Basically off the charts. Stayed tuned because she will probably be crawling very soon. She is full of smiles and for the most part, content. It just baffles me how different my own two children can be. Annella is a great big sister and gets a kick out of making Leah belly laugh and always reminds her she is "Sooo big!"

July 4th

We enjoyed the wonderful Solvang parade, a long nap and hung out with friends.